Contact Us
We are located in Acton, just off the 14 freeway on Sierra Highway.
Phone: (661) 212-5527
What We Believe
Our faith is firmly rooted in God's Word, the Bible. We're committed to the authority and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures.
Our Doctrinal StatementCare Groups
Our Care Groups provide opportunities for members to meet together informally in small groups for fellowship, discipleship, and practicing the "one anothers."
ConnectOur Mission
To fulfill our Savior's
"Great Commission"
We endeavor to do for the body, the community, and to the ends of the earth through missions.
Where We Meet
CVCC is located at 5734 W Sierra Highway, Acton, CA 93510
Sunday School meets at 8:45am
Worship Service begins at 10:00am